Well its been good, I am getting into the flow of things. got a lot on my plate right now which is always good. Basically I had to get back into time blocking which has helped immensely. focusing a few hours a day on a couple task. I still need to paint something and its really big and Ive been a lil chicken about starting it. I think tomorrow I will do a small painting to get into the flow of things again and remind myself how to paint. other than that today was pretty chill. I went back to muay thai, and it was going great but of course i strained my back. Whenever I take a break from muay thai and come back I always pull my right scapula. its so annoying. i know now to just start icing it and stretching. but yeah just trying to keep journaling. nothing much to really report on just working on. OH I also stopped listening to podcast or music while Im thumb nailing my next two comics. i still need to figure out a small commission as well. goddamn theres only so much time but I know I will get everything done. i always do.