new laptop is here baby and boy is this exciting and frightening. I’m so stoked to finally have an up to date computer. for my entire professional working career ive used hand me downs or refurbished pieces of equipment. shout out to my peeps that gave me equipment but nothing feels better than purchasing something brand spanking new that hasn’t been stepped on or used or whatever.
yesterday was a pretty killer day. I finished a painting which I will post here.
this is a pin up for some local pals and there comic called Man boy
water color and ink on bristol board.
This came out way cooler than I thought it would and was also one of those instances where I didn’t have to work for it. i did a preliminary sketch and was off to the races. Sometimes the pieces just come. other times I have to sit and think and sketch and sketch and sketch. When I was younger I use to hate planning and sketching pieces out. I Hated analyzing. I hated erasing and not getting something amazing on the first try. Very amateur way of thinking and approaching art. Now though. I really let loose and sketch and sketch. Ill sketch all day if it means getting a good piece. I even think of it as fishing. The lake is my sketch book and the pen is my fishing pole and we just get out there and get it going. Anywho I also fucked around and didnt get much sleep last night. I stopped Drawing around 12 and put Mimic on. I dont know if this is a bad movie or if the melatonin I bought actually works, but I literally fell asleep immediately. I’m gonna try and re watch tonight and I lowered my dose to one gummy instead of two. BUT I will say that mimic seems pretty cool.
Pretty neat and scary right? I couldn’t find a picture of it walking around looking like a tall man with a big coat on but thats the real cool gimmick to the design. Anywho tired as fugg. gonna hit the hay. tomorrow I need to finish penciling page 2 of a thing I’m working on and get started on these dang Gundam Commissions as well.