Its almost been a week of blogging. can i call it that? blogging in the year 2023 feels weird as hell. useless cause our attention spans are the size of a pea. but what does that mean? useless because eyes wont ever see this stuff? does everything I do have to be wrapped up in pursuing fame?
God what a mess. But yes everything I do seems to revolve around “making it” and the truth is Ive never even figured out what making it would look like. so lets do that now
Making it in the arts for me looks like: Having a fan base that is cool with my experimental nature. one that will follow me through whatever phase I’m going through.
Having no debts. Figuring out a way to make a shit ton of art and publish it through my own imprint or finally shacking up with a publisher that is down to sell my shit. But also figuring out a way to work that isn’t me being chained to a desk. as much as I’ve idolized that lifestyle, (mangaka) Id much rather work hard and play hard as well.
finding a mentor or mentors to check in with. Having an editor that can keep me honest and someone i set goals with and meet them and they also help me career wise. like if i do a book they can help keep me on task and then figure out a publishing method that yields money.
making enough money to support or help out significantly. My girl is a doctor so competing with her financially seems retarded but Id like to pull my own and provide if we decide to have kids, or be able to help my mom or have an established savings account.
making it means have multiple revenue streams and also multiple savings accounts. a rainy day fund. a savings account. a travel account. and an oh fuck account.
putting out a certain amount of work per month. honestly putting out a monthly book whether it be comics or a sketch book or an art book. well maybe bi monthly.
get better at social skills. keep relationships i have with friends healthy while also meeting new people and building a meaningful connection.
making it would be giving back to my community not just through art but also knowledge of navigating this insane industry.
making it would mean being more than good enough to work for dc and marvel and dark horse but also doing my own shit.
being able to write, draw and paint my own shit.
ive just dumped alot. but yeah thats what making it looks like if i had to sum it up. oh also making it means finding a work schedule for myself and being a bit more organized or being ok with how disorganized i am and just making it work.