sleep schedule has been all fucked up. been going to sleep at 4 am and waking up at 10 am. still getting 6 hours but Jesus Christ. This is not my best by any means. Ugh. I gotta get it together and stop working so late. Ill make this quick.
Banks are apparently closing. Sometimes I’ll listen to democracy now while drawing and think about how pointless everything is when the world is literally crumbling all around us. I’m safe and tucked away in a studio apartment surrounded by art supplies and mad because the world is ignoring my art. of course its ignoring me. THERE IS REAL SHIT HAPPENING.
fuck. Fuck democracy now. its so fucking depressing. but Im hoping to stay somewhat informed. instead of just watching anime and weird love shows.
anyywho today I painted for the first time in a few days. this blog will now have pictures! below is a personal samus piece I am working on. Honestly just for shits and giggles.
Here is a closer shot. This is just water color. We’ll see where this goes. my plan is to finish it super slowly. the only annoying thing is that I didnt really plan this piece out. I just started drawing and then this came out. I did look at references to the trees but didnt stick to them at all. Its a really bad fucking habit I have of just diving into a piece head first and hoping for the best. Everything I DO IN LIFE IS ON A HOPE TO HOPE BASIS.
I’m also inking page 6 of some new Urges story. here’s a snap shot below.
pretty happy with this page.
What else is there to say? I was going to work out but as soon as i went to the garage i realized my girlfriend drove and then i tried to call a lyft but they were super expensive. fuck maybe i shouldve went but its what ever. The Banks are literally on fire. Well its a good thing I dont have that much money anyway. see ya tomorrow