Nosebleed, is a psychic horror comic that delves into the lives of two teenagers who, after gaining psychic powers, embark on a quest for revenge against their bullies. But as they harness their newfound abilities, they find themselves caught in a whirlwind of consequences far beyond their control. 

Reggie Tilda and Gary are three Teenagers who get psychic abilities from a batch of pills they find in the woods. These pills give them psychic abilities. After Gary uses his abilities to prank their ever persistent bully named Brett, he and his goons brutally attack Gary and put him into a coma. Reggie and Tilda go on the offensive but do more harm than they intended. The type of harm that would make David Cronenberg smile with approval. The cops get involved, the bullies’ friends want revenge for there fallen bro and a group of mysterious men show up to find out what happened to there pills.  

Written and drawn by Derick Jones (artist on Yungblud and the Ritalin club books 1 and 2 Z2 comics, Urges #1 successfully kickstarted 2023)

Books 1 and 2 are available here!

with letters by Kyle Arends.

Edited By NM Scuri. 

“Fans of Body Horror, Manga and Korean Manhwa are going to want to snag this  twisted tale of teenage bullying and revenge.”

- JG Jones, Wanted, Black Widow, Marvel Boy, Strange Fruit, Before Watchmen: Comedian.

This book collects the first year of Nose bleed which  was serialized on as a monthly webcomic from April - dec 2023. This 44 page collection is being published by Reptile house comix and is the start of their new publishing venture.

This is for fans of Domu, Akira, Fire starter, stranger things, and scanners but is something completely new and original. 

“Inky, kinetic, and hyper-Philadelphia-local, Derick Jones’ Nosebleed spins a compellingly twisty tale of cruelty, revenge, and a touch of the supernatural. Hang on tight: Nosebleed launches with a bang and grows more intense on every page”. - Jessica Abel, creator of art babe, out on the wire, and la Perdida. 

Only 500 printed.

Praise for Nosebleed.

Living the LIne

Comic book yeti